Well, I was in my LFS to see if they had gotten the p.demasoni's in yet that they're expecting, and once again it was confronted with the depressing sight of all those bettas in tiny little cups. So, today I decided to rescue one. He's in a 5gal tank w/a Whisper mini filter, and a heater. Is there anything else I should add? What kind of tank mates could I put in? My LFS has ivory, black, gold, and blue mystery snails, and ghost shrimp. What would all of you add?
sorry it's so blurry, still getting used to my camera.
That's Bailey, sitting in "his" chair, checking out the new fishy.

sorry it's so blurry, still getting used to my camera.

That's Bailey, sitting in "his" chair, checking out the new fishy.