Bitten By The Betta Bug (pics Included)


I'm a girl . . . yup, definitely a girl. =)
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 12, 2005
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Cheyenne, WY
Well, I was in my LFS to see if they had gotten the p.demasoni's in yet that they're expecting, and once again it was confronted with the depressing sight of all those bettas in tiny little cups. So, today I decided to rescue one. He's in a 5gal tank w/a Whisper mini filter, and a heater. Is there anything else I should add? What kind of tank mates could I put in? My LFS has ivory, black, gold, and blue mystery snails, and ghost shrimp. What would all of you add?


sorry it's so blurry, still getting used to my camera.



That's Bailey, sitting in "his" chair, checking out the new fishy. :wub:
Wow, I bet he's a happy little guy!! Probably doesn't know what to do with all that room, hehe. Job well done. ;) A mystery snail would be cool, so would ghost shrimp but I think I've heard people say that there's a possibility they'd be eaten. May be worth a try, though. Like mstinawu suggested, cories are a good choice... maybe pygmy cories? That way you could have more of them, and I know they like to be in groups...

Oh, and cute meow-kitty. :D
I didn't know pygmy corries could be kept with bettas!
Your tank and betta look really nice :)
corys can be kept with bettas. but as i found out (thanx inchworm) they need very good turn a filter than you would be able to keep in a betta tank(unless its 10g plus) would not be sufficient to filter the water good enough. im thinking about an otto or two....they would benefit from the bogwood. just add a few more plants on one side. check this link otto's...regarding snails its the same for any aquarium you should only add one unless you want lots of baby snails, which can be a nuicence..maybe one apple snail, they are quite attractive but like all snails they can create a lot of waste!

Thanks everyone for all the positive comments. I think I will add a mystery snail or two, and maybe a couple of ghost shrimp once my tank matures a little. If they shrimp get eaten, oh well (sorry shrimp enthusiasts). Lisie he loves all the space and swims all over the tank. Thats the reason I got him. I looked at all the sad little bettas sitting on the bottom of their cups, and there was my little guy swimming for all he was worth and flaring at the other cups, so I knew he was the one for me. :D
Lisie he loves all the space and swims all over the tank. Thats the reason I got him. I looked at all the sad little bettas sitting on the bottom of their cups, and there was my little guy swimming for all he was worth and flaring at the other cups, so I knew he was the one for me. :D
Awww... what a spunky lil guy. :wub:
He looks like my ghost, I only had him for a few days and then I had a female ghost who lasted 2 days...hubby named them both ghost! Love your tank....does pussy think its a tv?
He looks like my ghost, I only had him for a few days and then I had a female ghost who lasted 2 days...hubby named them both ghost! Love your tank....does pussy think its a tv?

Good Lord yes he thinks it's TV. Yesterday he was in a wild mood and was racing around the house then jumping up on "his" chair (now in front of my yellow labs tank) slapping the tank and racing off again. :lol: The poor labs didn't know what hit them.

He likes Mr Betta too, and I think Mr Betta like him, or sees him as competition as the betta likes to flare when Bailey gets his face too close to the tank.

I swear, if I didn't have cats or fish I don't know what I'd do.
my little yorkie glares at my betta in front room and when he flares she walks off. she was barking at him other day and he was really threatening her! I think he won! :lol:

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