Biting Bird --help

Toy removed, and what a difference! He still puffs up his feathers in disgust when I put my hand in his cage, but the charging up to bite is no more! For a second I stupidly thought that I could put it in with mom's lovebirds, but Petri could hear it jingling and was going absolutely nuts calling for his "woman" and trying to get to that toy. Needless to say, it's now locked away out of sight. He got a spinny wheel like for mice and a new leather and rope toy in exchange, but I still feel kinda bad about it (my mom saying "Oooooh, poor Petri!" over and over didn't help, lol). That's not exactly a healthy relationship for him to have though, so it's for the best :lol:

He stepped up very nicely on my bare hands several times today, I think I'm going to be able to stop using the gloves for the most part now, as he hasn't given me any random bites to the hand he's sitting on lately. Still won't let me pet him, but he didn't bite the pee out of me like usual when I try to stroke his beak, so we're getting there. He loves touching noses to me and getting kisses, so I know he likes being touched, he just doesn't want me to do it with my hand yet :p
He's even coming out of his cage by himself now, stepping up on my finger and letting me take him out no problem! :thumbs: I bought him a learning toy that will be coming in the mail soon that should help us bond during playtime... hopefully it won't be too big for him, it's only 2"x3"... It's a box with slots in it and different coloured "coins" that you teach the bird to put in the box, fun fun!

Right now he's beside my desk in Joule's cage with her, I'm trying to get them to live together but he doesn't really know how to react to her and they have had a few beak jousting sessions... I'm watching them closely, and if they don't go to sleep soon he'll be moved back to his cage for the night. Joule, for her part, is thrilled to have him in her territory ;)

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