Bit of a weird question

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Fish Crazy
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Newport, South Wales
I'll explain first ....

I have a Betta living in a 25gal community tank with mollies, guppies, platies and a couple of cories

Every now and again he looks abit worse for wear, he will be fine for a couple of months, then he will look abit worse for wear for a couple of weeks ... then he will be fine again :S

ATM his fins are torn and he has a cloudyness to one of his eyes (im sure its not cataracts and his pupil is still black but his eye has clouded over :/ ) this is the first time one of his eyes has clouded over, in the past hes just had ripped fins and a lost a few scales off his face

He doesn't get nipped (from what ive seen and noticed since we've had him - 6 months roughly) and as a whole the community tank gets on just fine, really well in fact

I've got a 5 gal tank which is currently empty, but i am not going to put him in there as i lost 2 bettas to that tank and decided not to get anymore or move anything into there, i dont want to take the risk because both myself and my bf are quite attached to him now

I will post water stats when i do a test either today or tomorrow, im just curious to what needs to be done, can he get 'run down' like us humans occasionally do?

Ally :sad:
Hi Ally. The cloudy eye indicates almost exactly just that : being run down (broadly speaking).
I have a molly that's very prone to a cloudy eye for the past three years now. He's otherwise very fit and healty and active, but whenever the water quality isn't 100%, he gets stressed and his eye clouds over. I generally do a water change every 7-10 days, but if I leave it longer than that, his eye starts clouding over :/
So check your water stats and make sure you do regular changes to keep your water quality up and that "should" fix the problem.

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