Bit Of A Silly Question About Feeding


Fish Fanatic
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
Northern VA, USA
So I've heard that cories like bloodworms, and my platties certainly love the freeze-dried ones that I have, but they float! How do I get them down to the bottom for the cories? :blink:

Hmm, I've tried soaking, but when I pour them in they still float. The ones that did sink while soaking just stuck to the cup and wouldn't come out. :rolleyes:
yeah sorry stick on eyes tonite mate lol yeah frozen sink when defrosted you can just pop them in the tank frozen and within a minute they are gone defrosted and eaten lol or put them in a cup add a little water leave them a minte to defrost and pour them in they will sink straight away well most of them willthere is always a couple that float
Hi P&J :)

If you want to go with freeze dried food, try the tubifex worms instead. To feed, take a cube (or part of one) and hold it under the water for a little while until it becomes wet. It won't take long. As the cube softens, squeeze it and shake it until it comes apart into individual worms. They will sink easily. :D

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