Bit confused


Feb 24, 2004
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Yorkshire (UK)
This may sound silly but feeding time has me a bit worried,i have watched my fish when i feed them and am not sure which fish likes which food .I have a veg mix flake,a regular tropical flake,pellets for the corys and blood worms oh and alge waffers as i now have an alge eater.To be honest the only thing i ever see getting eaten is the blood worms which i buy frozen and defrost before feeding them.So what should i do ?should i feed a little of each or what? i dont want my fish to go hungry.Sorry if this sounds really dim but i am really confused and up till now felt too silly to ask so i have just been guessing.
Thanx for any advice Sue :unsure:
I tend to feed something different every day - one day flake, next frozen, next granules and so on. The algae wafers are given every other day after lights out coz they're really for the catfish which are mainly nocturnal (the other fishies like them also :) )As you say, the most popular are blood worms which are eaten by all of them.
I feed mine all the normal foods every other day, like flakes, algae wafers, plec tablets etc and then bloodworm once or twice a week as a substitute and some lettce or cucumber every 10 days or so as well.

Mine don't always eat what's 'meant' for them, like the finleyi cichlids really like the plec tablets so I have to put extra in for them.
Thanx you guys and thanx once again miss cheese,now i wont worry as much at feeding time at least i will know what im doing.
Cheers guys :#
I buy the tropical quintet packs that have 5 different frozen foods in, theres bloodworm, brineshrimp and I dont know what the others are??
A vairyed diet = happy fish
RobbieM said:
I buy the tropical quintet packs that have 5 different frozen foods in, theres bloodworm, brineshrimp and I dont know what the others are??
A vairyed diet = happy fish
I never seen them i will look out for some though .
Cheers :)
Hi there- what works best for me, is to feed plankton, flakes, & shrimp pellets, in the morning and then I feed frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp, tubifex worms, and algae tablets at night. (thats for my 55 gallon)

for my cichlids I feed spirulina flakes day and evening along with cichlid pellets in the morning and brine shrimp at night.

Seems to work well and there are never any leftovers with my sharks around! i don't feel there is a wrong way to feed your fish unless you don't feed them at all or you overfeed!

Thanx for the reply Ninna,i will have to try some brine shrimp for them.So you put a little of each one in every time? :rolleyes:
BIGMAC said:
Thanx for the reply Ninna,i will have to try some brine shrimp for them.So you put a little of each one in every time? :rolleyes:
I just break the frozen things in half and feed a half every other day, with flake and pellets in between
i feed mornings at nights (breakfast and dinner) and they get fed flake, frozon blood worns and daphnia, alge wafers and catfish pellets.alge wafers every 3 days and catfish pellets every day, flake and frozon blood worns and daphnia depends on wich one i feel like putting in.

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