Birthday Wishes Sub-forum?

tsk, tsk! someone is out of limits! wonder what kind of shark would do such a thing? surely not someone respectable like The Governator.
The oversize sig industry looks to be expanding. :lol:
That's meant to be a hint Andy.

tsk, tsk! someone is out of limits! wonder what kind of shark would do such a thing? surely not someone respectable like The Governator.

Well, I used to think that until I was in chat with Juan and Tolak where the actual wording of the rule was pointed out to me (my bold):

Due the excessive space taken up by some signatures we have come to the decission to limit signatures to just 5 lines of standard sized text or one picture/gif (maximum size of 100k or 400x300 pixels)

It is not 100k and 400x300, but rather one or t'other. My pic is wide, but is not over the size restriction (it is just 23,600 bytes, or 23.05 KB). I did previously think it fell foul of the sig guides, but I had two mods (though one has now changed his opinion) tell me it was alright. Similarly I was told that a 236KB sig image was fine as it was under 400x300.

So, I believe the correct response is:


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