Anyone feed wild birds?, if so what feeders do you have?,
I have got two large Onyx feeders that click open, which
makes cleaning much easier, I also have the trays to go
with them, but I have found that Pigeons can land on them
and so eat the seed, just wondering if anyone has any
ideas as to how I can prevent this?, it is annoying as these
birds are gannets and eat and eat, I have tried putting wire (not barbed)
round the trays, but the pigeons just sit on it, I have now
taken the trays off, but still they persist.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I have got two large Onyx feeders that click open, which
makes cleaning much easier, I also have the trays to go
with them, but I have found that Pigeons can land on them
and so eat the seed, just wondering if anyone has any
ideas as to how I can prevent this?, it is annoying as these
birds are gannets and eat and eat, I have tried putting wire (not barbed)
round the trays, but the pigeons just sit on it, I have now
taken the trays off, but still they persist.
Any help would be much appreciated.