

Fish Fanatic
Jun 30, 2004
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Bedford UK
OK, so I’ve googled and I’ve searched this site but I still don’t know what a biowheel is – someone tell me please! -_-
It is a water wheel made of folded paper that spins in the outflow from your filter. Since it is exposed to air but never dries out, it is theoretically the perfect home for your bacterial colony. IMO they are over hyped and noisy and other filter types are at least as good, some are better, and less noisy. Biowheels are great for small tanks where there is not a lot of substrate or filter volume, but i don't like them on larger tanks. However some people swear by them, it's just my personal opinion and lots of people will disagree with me.

Edit: by the way, if you do a google ~image~ search for "biowheel" you'll get a couple examples of what they look like.
Thanks Luxum, I always forget to look at images when I'm googling :crazy:
from the biowheels i have seen, it seems there is significantly less surface area compared to that of a foam brick.

i wonder if a biowheel is more hype than anything.
I think as usual it comes down to personal choice!

Fact is for me that all these pumps on the market are just lookin for a new gimmick.
Although the biowheel boasts great efficiency a properly kept aquarium shouldnt need one. If the substrait is mature and the tank is well planted and not overstocked all the bacteria you need will develop in your regular filter canister and take care of your fish without making a whiring noise 24/7!

If I were a fish I'd prefer the gentle hum of a regular filter over the sound of a mini washing machine hung inches above my head! :sick:
Just to make things more clear and true to form...I have 3 filters with bio-wheels and none of my bio-wheels have made a sound. If you don't have your tank filled up to where your filter lets out water, then that is how noises are caused. I have an emp. 400 and 2 penguin minis and when the water is at the right level, no noises are made. Not saying that is true for every bio-wheel filter out there, but the noises I hear are from the filter water dropping down into the tank water when the level is not even with the outlet on the filter.
Lastly, I will most likely be getting a Ehiem canister over an emp 400 for my 46 as I used my emp 400 on the tank before and did not care too much for the results. The 400 does more than enough filtration on my 20 gallon though.

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