Biowheel Filtration

I never did ask what the bio load in your tank many fish of what size do you have? Do you use live plants?

That probably works pretty well if you have a significant bio load and need the extra carb/amo carb.

tank is 65 gallon (old and beatup) but will be a new 55 soon

in addition to the emp 400 i have a UGF (which i will keep with the new tank but resrict flow.

current stock is:

1 albino shark
2 mixed fruit tetras (newbie naivity)
1 red wagtail platty
1 mickey mouse platty
6 pristella tetras
3 long fin danios
3 red sword tails.

I 3 white and green acorus in the tank for plants but when the new tank is paid for I will add about 4 more acorus, and 5 or 6 amazon swords to start maybe more plants later, I want to make sure I can grow them first.
Sounds like you have a healthy stock, but not too much. I like to keep tanks that look like they have alot but are pretty average. In my 37 gal eclipse I have all af cichlids, cant remember the specific types but i have 6 in there right now, most of them are about 3" long, they grow pretty fast given room and good food. They like to bully though, I would like to add a couple more but whatever I add will have to compete untill his status is gained with the group =)
back to praise on the bio wheel. this weekend I went to the LFS planning to add 2 fish as I have done weekly since my tank finished cycling. I was bad and bought 7 fish.

3 powder blue gouramis, 2 redtailed zebra loaches and 2 farlowella catfish.

I was worried that by adding 7 fish at once that my ammonia would spike. I checked the water sunday night, 1 day after adding the fish. ammonia was 0 nitrites were 0.

I checked again last night 3 days after adding the fish and all readings were still 0.

I have recomended the biowheels before but now will stand by them 110%. BIO WHEEL = THE WAY TO GO!!!!
Biowheels are great, but get something to cover the outflow port.

Our Raphael cat swam against the current, into the outflow, PAST THE BIOWHEEL, and into the filter media compartment. He was stuck under the filter cartridge when I finally found him.

I used the bend up strip of plastic off of the end of our Eclipse 12 cartridge. If it is bent into a Z type shape, it will fit in by pressure and won't fall out or obstruct water flow.

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