Biorb 30L - Dont Hate Me Please!

I think the next step is to try find a Betta breeder in my local area, and go see what they have to offer. Are there any Mirco rasbora's that could live in a group of 3 in case i decide i prefer them to the endlers. Boraras Merah look very intresting!
Im not sure if this is allowed on site, so i apologise if it isnt but can anyone reccomend a good Betta supplier, either local to Yorkshire England or posts out across England.
I got a Biorb life 30 Ltr bought as a present and thought the substrate could be a real problem, i did some searching and managed to find sometihng suitable to cover it as shown in the pic below. My tank is currently 4 days in to a fish-less cycle.

Omg the black pebbles and the stacked pebble thing around the bubble tube is exactly what I was goin to do!

And @ alayton:

I think I will be getting the real bright red shrimp when my tank has been cycled and has been working for a number of weeks as they look badass! How big do shrimp get anyway?
And also.

@ pablothebetta:

Thanks for the in depth response it's very helpful I just need to make my darn mind up now! LolD
I would advise on a single Betta, i had the 60 litre version of this tank many moons ago and you wouldnt believe how dirty it can get at the bottom, the less fish the better. Guppies, although colourful, are in no way shape or form "interesting" fish, while a betta will have quite a bit of character. Its also ideal for a Betta because there is very little flow of water in the tank. Shrimp could be a good idea too, although you might want to consider ditching the white rocks (which will get dirty quick anyway) for a few Marimo Moss balls for them to graze on.
Thanks Tizer. Ill look in to marimo moss balls now, ive never heard of them. Are they usually easy available at lfs?
yeah pets at home stock them quiet often too, Tropica ones are usually quite clean and tidy.
I'm buzzing for my biorb but not looking forward to weeks of fish less cycling and water testing.

I want to find someone with mature filter media in Bristol area but have had no such luck so far!

Much appretiated Tizer, ill go searching for some. How glad am i that i joined this site.

And JHR dont worrry about the wait, im quite enjoying my tank as it is fish-less, its giving me the time to do all the reaserch i need to get the fish that suit me and my tank.
stock some of these if you cant wait?


might be cheaper in the long run too, keeping fish alive in a biorb tank with its poor filtration system is an achievement in itself. ;)
Ive had a biorb 30l for some years now and had lots of heartache and frustration as Ive tried to stock it up to the level I wanted.

Ive tried to get the target 10-12 inches of fish but I can never sustain more than 6-8 fish/inches at any one time. Currently I have 5 rummy nose tetras and one solitary Tiger Barb which have lasted for 18 months so I may have stumbled on the optimum number. Rummynose seem to school a little as well, or at least as much as they can in a Biorb.

Previously had Zebra Danios *much underrated , constantly on the move and the long finned ones look better to me and they are good for a new tank.

Cardinal Tetras did well for while, smaller than the rummynose perhaps so could be worth a try, best get 5-6 as they seem better in a group.

Green tiger barb (I love the look) and the usual orange striped Tiger Barbs but they can chase the other fish, including their kind, around, bit of a pain.

Otocinculus did really well at cleaning the glass and the plants (not a bottom feeder I was told),tried 3 at one time but they died out because I think I tried to get too many fish in the tank.

Plants just dont last, tried twice, I,m nothing if not persistent, now have plastic plants:-(

And I hate that the curvature of the bowl can hide those little fish sometimes.

So I would echo what others have said,if you can send it back, if not try 6-8 fish, smaller tetras/raspboras etc. as suggested (perhaps after you have tried something hardier like 3-4 Danios to start the tank off) and I'd suggest one species to encourage schooling.
Might be worth trying an Otocinculus as well to help with the cleaning.

Let me know if you try a shrimp or two as I'm about to upgrade to 90 or 120L tank and not sure what to do with my Biorb, might be worth trying some shrimp and layering the bottom with pebbles maybe.

If there was a school of 'do it wrong' then you...alayton...are the Principal.

I just can't begin to tell you how many bad bad things you've done, and are suggesting.

Everything you've said, and I do mean everything, is bad. Bad bad bad.

So bad! :grr:

To say that as a response to someone's first post on the forum is, at best unwelcoming, and IMHO, unduly aggressive. I'm not disputing what you've said, but the way you've said it. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone, but I would suggest you consider using more diplomatic language to do so, particularly to new forum members.
What about the bio-output that them angels give off Tizer? Could that stall the cycle?
To say that as a response to someone's first post on the forum is, at best unwelcoming, and IMHO, unduly aggressive. I'm not disputing what you've said, but the way you've said it. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone, but I would suggest you consider using more diplomatic language to do so, particularly to new forum members.

Well said.

Also thanks for the suggestion of wind up fish haha I may consider!

And i know I will learn more by waiting for my fish less cycle to finish and knowledge is power! But I love fish and can't wait for them! Lol
I have received the orb now and set it up. The pump makes an awful noise though! Is there a way to fix this or is buying a new one or putting up with it my only options?

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