Bioload Of Pandas On The Filter


Fish Gatherer
Mar 14, 2010
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Is it big or small? Basically would the bioload in your opinion of 6 Pandas be more or less than 3 Platys and 2 Honey Gouramis?

I'm planning my stocking you see and I want to get my Platys and Gouramis this weekend and Pandas next but I don't want to send myself into a mini cycle.

or would it be ok to get 3 Pandas one week and 3 the week after or would that be cruel to the first 3?
The bio load of pandas is small compared to platys and gouramis. Platys are poo machines...

If you're concerned over any mini cycles,then 3 pandas one week,then 3 the next would be a better way to go,thats how i did mine :) The pandas will be fine has a threesome for a week :)
Ah ok thanks Harlequins, that's what I'll do then :)

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