Biocube Refuge


Fish Crazy
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
Lawton, Oklahoma
I have a Oceanic 8 BioCube and a extra 2.5 gal plastic tank (with a Elite mini internal filter) and i was wondering if there was any way to make this tank a refuge for my biocube, i would need to figure a way to put dividers in the tank (its really curvey), but the main problem is getting water to and from the refuge
Do you want it like a traditional fuge wher it is above the display tank or like a sump below the display tank?

If you have it above then drill the little tank for an overflow (should be easy if its plastic) and slightly modify the hood of the bio cube for the return pipes and the pump pipe.

If its below it will look neater but then you need to drill the bio cube with an overflow.
yea i dont plan to risk drilling holes in my biocube, so can you explain this in detail for the above one? can it be to the side of it or does it have to be above, and by above you mean literally on top of the biocube? how do i get it above it?

The hood of the biocube has 2 small openings in the back for wires and stff, could i use these for pipes are does it ahve to be bigger?

Where does the pump that pumps wwater into the fuge go?

Where do i drill the tank for the over flow?

could you make a picture on paint or something like that?

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