Bio Wheel


Fish Addict
Oct 11, 2006
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im thinking of possible getting a bio wheel filter and what i want to know is what should i replace all the filter media with? id be using live rock as well 14lbs in a 14 gallon. it would help oxygenation of the water but ive also heard that the actual bio wheel becomes a 'nitrate factory' help is appreciated :)
The biowheel is just a wet/dry filter with a compartment for carbon or other media. It is no different from a wet/dry filter uisng bio balls, just different design using same principal. Personally I would just use the biowheel and some filter floss since the wheel itself IS the biofilter.
Yeah, you have to really stay on top of cleaning a bio wheel cause if you dont they'll become detritus traps and as you mentioned a nitrate factory. I wouldnt add one on any nano tank I owned. If you're worried about oxygenation the solution is increased water movement at the surface.

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