
Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2005
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I'm reposting this her ebecause i didn't get an answer in Chit Chat. Does anyone have experience with a product sold at Big Al's called BioSupport?? It's supposed to be like BioSpira, bacteria that will cycle your tank faster.

I've been trying to cycle my 10 gal for a week now, just realized ammonia was way too high. Maybe because of that I don't have a nitrite spike yet. SO I did water changes, got it back down to 4 ppm, and added Biosupport last night. Maybe I'm being too hasty, but someone said my tank would be cycled in a day or two using BioSpira... this AM my ammonia is still 4 ppm, nitrite 0.
Cycling without plants will take a while. It took mine over a week to show any noticable drop from the original 4.0 to 5.0 of ammonia I got the first time I added it. The quickest way to cycle is to add plants. I added about 50 plants to my 75 gallon and the ammonia dropped from 4.0 to zero in one day. Now when I add ammonia to bring it back to about 1.0, it drops back to zero in a matter of hours. I'm still waiting on the nitrite to drop to zero but that should be pretty quick too. If you add plenty of plants, you can almost add fish immediately as the plants will take care of the harmful ammonia and nitrite.
I was looking at something like that in a shop yesterday but i didn't get it because i heard that you couldn't dry the bacteria so it would be a waste of money. I dunno how true that is though
Hmmm, well my tank isn't heavily planted, but I do have live plants in there. Also, the bacteria comes as a solution...

I guess we'll just have to see if it works!

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