Bio-Spira or substitute in the uk

I might have mis-interpreted too. It sounds like you know more on the subject than I do. ;) I interpret the last line in this quote to mean that Nitrosomonas are NOT the nitrifying bacteria.

All told the research took over 10 years and is still continuing today. The marketing effort started in 2001. We started beta-testing the freshwater BioSpira® in public aquaria and aquaculture facilities to get data on large scale usage. BioSpira® for the pet trade was released in October 2002. In some ways the marketing is harder than the research because nitrifying start-up products that don’t work have burned so many people. Secondly, it is so ingrained that the nitrifying bacteria are Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrobacter winogradskyi that many people are not willing to even consider much less accept the notion that the books and literature of the past are wrong.
Here is the link I posted last month. It gives you the same link to click on, but it also gives you an email address to contact him with.

Bio Spira in the UK

Bernie (of The Fish Store) has stated he is completely out, and Marineland won't be sending him more until September. Apparently the demand has been so high that Marineland is starting from scratch with the bacteria (that's what they told him). Maybe you will have better luck getting it where you are.
Yes the demand is so high that fish stores in the U.S. are having hard times getting it. They cant make the stuff fast enough to meet the demand. Anyways they are working on making more and it wont be out for awhile. I think they are talking about building facilities just to make the stuff.
lol marineland must be having a heck of a time making new places to make it and then still having to make everything else like filters... but its worth it their filters rock and im planning on getting biospira at the end of the month because their out... i dont think ill get any because theres like a waiting list and i cant order it because i dont have a credit card and my mom wont buy it until "i get better at piano and practice without being told"
I guess I'm lucky then 'cuz I just got home from the store with another pack for tank #3. That takes care of tanks 2 and 3 ... startin' to panic here ... maybe I should stockpile for that 90 gallon I'm dreamin' of! :whistle:

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