Bio/Mech Filteration


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2005
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I like the sound of the Eheim 2128 Thermo External, but my question is - What media do I need to create both bio/mech filteration? Am I correct in thinking both is best? :/
your right you definately want both but there are alot of options
Ceramic tubes, stars, bioballs, etc. are almost soley biological filtraion and I would recomend at least a little bit of this sort of stuff
Sponge is good and I like to use it in majority in the canister because it offers a good medium between both biological filtration and mechanical filtration
Filterfloss, offers biological filtration but is mostly mechanical it is a good watter polisher but clogs easily and needs to be rinsed out extra to be effective biologicaly and mechanically, I use it alot because it is cheap
Then there is mechanical filtraion in the form of wooden octogon tubes, which mecjhaniocaly filter without clogging easily, plus a little biological filtration, I don't use this because I don't really see the point of it I have finer floss and sponge for mechanical already and this doesn't give comparable surface area to aid in biological filtration
You can buy a package of filter media for the 2128 that includes both the mechanical and biological media media, and costs about £30

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