The smooth ceramics in my set-ups are always first, as the spread the flow accross the media and prevent chaneling, at the same time as breaking up large dirt particles. Next I would put in foam, then floss where appropriate, to remove all dirt from the water before passing it through the biological media. In doing this, my oldest filter has not needed the bio media cleaning out sice purchace 9 months ago. That said, I've only cleaned that one twice since then....
Thats just my way of doing things. This may be an area where you need to play with the ordering of your media to find what works to filter best, without increasing maintanance time.
No two exturnals are used in the eaxact same set-up so few prople will run them with an identical media layout, unless they bought a filter will all media included and don't want to spend the cash modifying for their set-up.