Bigtuna's Ocean In A Wall

What do you think of BigTuna's FOWLR?

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    Votes: 26 65.0%
  • He's got potential

    Votes: 14 35.0%
  • He should quit now

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maybe when theres no RO store near you? or you prefer to do everything at home and just go to your lfs for fish and corals :p make sure your on a water BILL not METER as when you plumb these things in they are something like 96% waste water and 4% RO pure water. I travel about 10 miles a month for my RO water i have 3 big 25litre drums (cost me about £20 for 2, 3rd was free lol) and it costs me £6 to fill em up. then i just mix the salt at home in a 30 litre plastic container with spare heater and powerhead :)
I'm going to do some asking around at the FS today. If this was required equipment for me, then why was it not part of my original setup??? Things like that frustrate me a little. RO/DI hasn't come up at all with the guys at the FS. :S
my LFS isn't exactly local. It's a 3hr drive at the best of times, there and back. Usually more like 4+.

I'll do some research for sure. Thanks
Looking good wish I could have a marine that size

One thing I would say is the scape could do with breaks in the level as it looks from the pics to be in one straight line wheras a king of rock tower might break that up, does that make sense?

Have a good read about that star fishes feeding reuirements as I know a lot of people say they shouldnt be kept in aquaria. Ive never kept one so cannot speak from experience

All I would say is take it slowly with the fish even though you have a big tank and it will pay dividends in the future. I know your doing fish only but you could add some xenia nice and cheap and would look nice on the rock :good:
So I got an explanation on the RO/DI. They feel that with a FOWLR tank its not essential to have one. Working with Corals, especially the softies would be a different story. We have very hard water in this part of the world. They also said that working with perfect water will make everything much better and easier, its just not absolutely critical that I have one. With some of the Tangs that I eventually want to get, they did recommend I plumb in a UV Sterilizer at some point. Does that sort of makes sense to some of you experts here? I like to gain as much info and knowledge as I can, so it never hurts to have more then one opinion.

For now, I may see how readily available, and how costly, purified water is around here. That could be an option.

I also picked up more man power on the CUC. 5 more turbo snails, and a couple Emerald Crabs. Interesting little guys. Busy workers, for sure.

And against simonas advice :( I also got a new fish today. I couldn't resist....

Auriga Butterflyfish


I made a video, currently taking years to upload. I'll share when its up
I know that I am guilty of over feeding here in this video. It was the first time I used a new frozen brine shrimp. It seemed like very little that I measured out and as you can see, there's a lot in there. Oops. Please look past that part ;)


edit- Sorry, I don't know how to embed a video from photobucket in order to view directly in this thread.
Oh my. That fish is eye candy. Obviously I have no advice, since I am following your thread as a fan with no experience. I find your rock layout pleasing to my eye as well as your current fishes. Hope you have good news from the peoples. :)
Thanks for the kind words FF, you're the best (no, seriously, you really are!!). In regards to the layout I wanted something a little different than what we've seen all over the internet. My original layout was two mounds on each end with the middle being open. It was unique, but didn't look natural at all, and I don't think it was an efficient use of the tank. Perhaps the picts don't do this layout justice, but there's all kinds of shape, a lot of little caves, and couple bigger ones. The Butterfly seems to be having a lot of fun swimming around the various passages. I've been keeping a closer eye on him tonight and he seems to be doing very well. He's very busy picking at the live rock, and he's even been playing with the current provided by the powerhead. I'm seriously like a kid in a candy store tonight. ;) :yahoo:
the uv iis because a lot of tangs are open to getting white spot and other parasites so the uv should kill them off if they pass through I ran one on my big tank and neither my sailfin or my yellow tang got disease (untill the sailfin got Popeyes from swimming into rocks :sick: )

So they are IMO a good addition to fowlr systems

Very nice fish :drool:

I wouldn't add anymore for abit yet tho keep a eye on your water stats as in marine it can go from good to bad pretty quick if you rush things :good:

Double post sorry
My butterfly is quite timid and I've yet to see him eat. I've tried various types of food for him. His first day or do he was quite busy picking at the LR. That has now stopped. Unfortunately I havent been able to spend a whole lot of time at home to really watch him, perhaps he is fine?? Any tips or suggestions?
I don't wish to panic you but butterfly can be very picky eaters and rarely do well in the aquarium long term
The cardinals feast like crazy, hard to get anything in there for the butterfly. I'll keep trying and keeping an eye on him

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