biggest cat in the world

sunflower said:
Was it killed or did it just die?
well it was probably swimming along quite happily and healthily before they pulled it out of the water..... ;)
andywg said:
The authroities wanted it to be returned but they decided to take it to some display place but it died on they ate it.
That's a different fish. This one was supposed to be released. It was caught diring a research project. The one that woas going to be put in a tank was in the US a month or 2 ago and it was only about 120 lb.
from yahoo news, about the one they just caught - "Local environmentalists and government officials tried to negotiate the release of the fish so it could continue its spawning migration in the far north of Thailand but the adult male died and was eaten in a remote village, it said."
That must of fead alot of people :eek: I wonder what they used to catch it with they must have had some strong string :D

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