Bigger “wild” snail just showed up…

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I think it’s a different variety than I’ve been battling with assassins in another tank… this one is more than twice as big, and only seen 1 for a couple weeks… the only things added to this tank lately are Marimo Algae balls, a few Amazon frog bit, and a few terrestrial plants, that had all he soil rinsed off the roots… it would be hard to miss this snail from any of those, so not really Sure how it got here???
Anyone know if I’m safe with just one, without a pest snail outbreak??? I don’t mind it in this tank, as long as there isn’t any uncontrolled reproduction
Looks like a big pond snail. Probably came in as an egg on one of your new plants. I have them in all my tanks and I like them. If they get out of hand, I just remove a bunch of them manually when I do a water change. No big deal.

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