Bigger tank

I never said anything about having a hex anyway.
Its best to keep Africans with africans ...............................If you get convicts they breed like rabbits and at a very young age. The females have red on the bellies so you can tell them apart easy. I have a red zebra and he is super aggresive he lives apart from my south americans. :rolleyes:
Okay, I went to my lfs, and it said like "Common African Cichlid" and said they stay around 2-4" - something like that. -_-
Guess no one else is going to help me :(
hmm 33 galon would be pushing it with size. Make sure the tank is longer than higheer (more surface area=more fish). I wouldn't recommend a hex being they are more tall tan long. As for the putting the african cichlids in a 33 gallon there should only be a few. Rams and kribs ar eother cichlid species that arent as large and don't have such an aggresive temperment. Both these fish can be very colorful and"cool" looking

at your lfs when it says asst african cichlids 2-4 inches. does it mean that the 2-4 inch ones are for sale or they will grow 2-4 inches. I think it be more like 4-6. My lfs has a tank of not so colorful africans(ugly ducklings of the litter) for cheap and they are all 3-4 inches big.

Sorry, but I kind of loss track of all these posts!!!

There are many "African Cichlids" you could keep in that size tank....however before I can give you any kind of recommendation I need to know the base dimensions.....L x W x H!!

Once you provide these dimensions I will give you some ideas!!!

would stay away from the assorted cichlids at lfs. alot of themajor pet stores have these. since the species that they mput into the assorted category will crossbreed, you may not be getting the true breed. that is also why they are so cheap.

i am alot more fussier with my africans than with my sa/ca's. africans are more likely and if given the chance will crossbreed. stick with the species only tanks at lfs. or stick with a reputable supplier :rolleyes: hmmm..... who could that be?


semper fi
Well, thanks anyway - i pretty much already have decided on the fate of my 33 gallon. Tank you! :D
Well, I am going to move from my 10 gallon to the soon-coming 33 gallon my blue gourami and my red-tail shark. I will probably leave my 3 pristilla tetras and 3 tiger barbs and chinese algae eater in the 10 gallon. Then in the 33 I will get a pictus cat. Thats all I know for now. If any of you have suggestions, please give me some!

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