Big Pleco

It's not just PC's info, its personal experience. I have had 2 pardalis in the past and neither exceeded 10", never mind 12 and they both lived to a ripe old age, having lived in a 6ft tank.
I don't know about commons but one of my danios had a go at one of my 12mm bristle nose fry, talk about role reversal :p (it didn't get eaten)
Hi, I have a nearly one year old Pardalis and he is a good 12". The website mentioned is very informative, that's where I id'd my Pleco. I doubt whether he has finished growing yet. Oh dear, another new tank! :) PC is very good as well but I doubt they consider themselves the last word on catfish.
Both websites are very good, that is not in question here. The point is that pardalis do not reach 3 feet and i wouldn't want people reading this post to be put off them based on that information.
How big do they get? I am obviously interested! I know someone has one that is 14". :) I really hope they don't get to 2 or 3 feet as I would have to build an indoor pond and catching such a large fish would be a nightmare.
I posted earlier that I personally have seen one that had already reached 2ft - not sure if he'd finished growing, but he was an LFS hand in for outgrowing his tank. My sister also rehomed one that reached 18". I hope that helps. :)

In a nutshell, if it's labelled 'Plec' or 'Common plec', don't buy it. Although the shop might tell you it's a Hypostomus plecostomus which only grows to 20-30cm/8-12", chances are it's a Liposarcus multiradiatus or pardalis which will get to over 45cm/18". This fish is the leylandii of the fishkeeping world - it grows to a ridiculous size, isn't that attractive to look at, and will be hard to get rid of if it does outgrow your tank.

Taken from Practical Fishkeeping website :)
To be honest, i'd have no problem with 18" and would agree that is possible in the wild or a pond, albeit highly unlikely in an aquarium.

I have never come accross any info from owners or websites to suggest 2 feet is possible, never mind 3. There is also a big difference between 2 and 3 feet when it comes to planning an appropriate sized tank. :/

I think the point about being careful when buying a Plec labelled as "Common" is a good one, as several species can be classified under this name and their potential size does vary.
My sister's 18" one was definitely aquarium kept, as was the one on the LFS if what they told me is correct (they've got no reason to lie, but giving you the benefit of the doubt). You regularly see 18"-ers on Aquarist Classifieds and the likes too (ebay had one listed a few weeks ago that was 2ft+). I can concede that I've never seen a 3 footer, but I personally don't think common plecs are the best pet for the average aquarium, much as I love them (and I really do, which is a bummer for us in a small house!). From what I've heard, unless they're seriously neglected, they don't grow to "fit" as such, they carry on and on. I personally wouldn't risk saying that common plecs only grow to 12" because it's asking for disaster, unless of course you're okay looking for new homes for them when they outgrow your tank. :)
Sorry Kathy, I missed that you said that. I intend to get a bigger tank when necessary (probably quite soon!). If he gets really big I will build him an indoor pond. Not everyone has the space or means to do that so they shouldn't really be sold for home aquariums. Mine was actually sold to me as a Bristlenose which they obviously thought he was. :)

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