Big Kitties!


New Member
Sep 3, 2004
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Has anyone here ever kept catfish that were TINY and then got absolutely huge?(say, over 12"?)

What in the world did you keep them in, since catfish are supposed to be kept in shoals? You'd have to dedicate an entire room for them!
Not all catfish need to be kept in schools, some positively hate the sight of each other. I have 2 catfish over 12 inches and 7 more that will grow to at least 12 inches when full grown, all but one of these are currently housed in my 205 gallon tank (the remaining one is in a 80 gallon brackish tank) and will be moved into other tanks as they grow.
They are 3 Sorubim lima (14" 10" and 8") 1 Leiarius pictus (14") 2 Pimelodus ornatus (6" & 4") 1 Chrysichthys ornatus (4") 1 Megladoras uranoscopus (4") 1 Arius seemani (4")
I used to have an albino channel cat that got to 8" before I donated him to a LFS since he was outgrowing his 30 gallon inhabitation.
some are cannibles

thats why breeding of some species is difficult

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