Big cory


New Member
Nov 2, 2004
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I have four emerald green Corycatfish with the biggest one mesurring almost 6" and the smallest 4" I'm wondering is that big for them. Here is a pic of one that is about 4.5"
Umm, yes ... that does seem a bit unusual ... for pretty much any corydoras I'd say.
According to Planetcatfish, a very reliable source, they get up to 2.7"

Pictures would be appreciated I think :)
Ive seen some huge cories... But none that big!

Im surprized at how big some cories actually get!

that does sound very big
fishbase have them listed at 6cm but there are unconfirmed reports of them reaching 9cm; that is still nowhere near your claim of 7 inches, or did you mean cm?
Just a quick point. According to Baensch, Brochis sp. are not actually corys. They dwell under a different genus due to a differing number of rays in the dorsal fin. (IIRC thre are 17 in Brochis sp. but only 15 in a cory - though this may be a million miles away from the real numbers).


here is the tree biggest ones. Looking though the glass on my aqurium and my amagination Made them seem bigger then they are but they are still big I'm going to see if I can find any more in the ditch
I caught these catfish by a drian pond by starbuks off Litia Pincrest I also found smaller catfish by ditches off fish farms in gibsonton. I love free fish :D

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