i eat buttons
i just fed my fish and turned out the lights and all of a sudden my flying fox is flipping around like a big jerk, chasing everyone in a blinding rage!
i came closer to inspect
and what did i see?
Big Blue (my 3" blue gourami) had stolen AND swallowed whole, the fox's ENTIRE algae cake (these are big, i only give them to him every other day!!!!!!! )
Big Blue was an inch thick looking at him head on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think the cake was sideways or something cause he was FAT!!!!!
THAT LITTLE B@STARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't beleive him!!!!!
first thing tomorrow i am going out and buying the flying fox a plant and giving it fertilizer (it always causes algae)
that way i know he won't starve!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i know they eat flakes to but he rarely does
i just fed my fish and turned out the lights and all of a sudden my flying fox is flipping around like a big jerk, chasing everyone in a blinding rage!
i came closer to inspect
and what did i see?
Big Blue (my 3" blue gourami) had stolen AND swallowed whole, the fox's ENTIRE algae cake (these are big, i only give them to him every other day!!!!!!! )
Big Blue was an inch thick looking at him head on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think the cake was sideways or something cause he was FAT!!!!!
THAT LITTLE B@STARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't beleive him!!!!!
first thing tomorrow i am going out and buying the flying fox a plant and giving it fertilizer (it always causes algae)
that way i know he won't starve!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i know they eat flakes to but he rarely does