A True Oddball
Would it help to put an internal filter into the bucket with the fish in it and also a small heater if I have one?? I could then put some of my media in to it just to at least keep some bacteria running really well???
I actually have a 2 foot tank at my mums that holds just under 60 litre and that would be about a third of my current tanks capacity so I take that would be even better than the bucket idea.
Is any children's play sand OK?? If so, my mum and dad work at B&Q so a nice little discount could be available for me there!!
My one small issue is that I have 1 HUGE piece of bogwood that has large bit of java fern on it, it would be impossible for me to put it in a bucket or anything and it won't fit in the 2 foot tank I have so any ideas how to keep the java wet???
thanks for your help on this
no need to run the filter in the bucket withy the fish. keep the filter in a bucket of old tank water though.
Any play sand is fine, I get mine from B&Q and a not-so-lfs costs like £3 for a HUGE bag. if you have the spare tank at your house when you do this it'll be fine, but bucket will be ok as well.
where you when I spent a good amount on money at B&Q last weekend grr!! /me wants discount too lol
as for the bog wood, dont know, get a spray and make sure someone keeps spraying it?
put it in the spare tank?