Bichir learned from the betta!


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I wasn't sure which forum this should go in, but since it involved a betta and I always post in here, I figured this was as good a place as any....
I was watching my tank with a female betta and young bichir in it, and the female was "sitting" on the filter intake; just letting the suction stick her to it, like she often does. The bichir watched her very carefully, then when she moved, he immediately swam up and mimicked her, letting himself get stuck to the intake! :hyper:
This doesn't seem like much, but he has NEVER done that before! I think he just learned it from her! How cool is that?
I'm convinced that fish really are that smart. Fish and cats are planning on taking over the world. You have no idea. It's a conspiracy. :ninja:
Nekukurai said:
I'm convinced that fish really are that smart. Fish and cats are planning on taking over the world. You have no idea. It's a conspiracy. :ninja:
Yes... conspiracy... there is already a penguin conspiracy... and if they're joining forces with the cats and fish... oh dear, we could be punished for knowing too much already... :unsure: :whistle:
rollntider said:
whats a bichir?
This is a bichir... not just any bichir either, my bichir :wub:!
A native of African lakes such as Lake Albert, Rudolf, Senegal and Chad, this Bichir species is territorial and intolerant of its own kind unless provided with ample room in the aquarium. Keep with other fish of the same size and temperment. Stock the tank with lots of plants, driftwood and rocks. Feed meaty foods such as beef heart, as well as live fish on occassion if possible.

A conspiracy you say?! :crazy:

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