Bichir Just Ate A Tadpole!

i have been told that some frogs are toxic to fish when they eat them i dont know if the tadpoles of such frogs can also harm fish but unless you know what tadpoles they are then yes it could be a risk
the bichir's still ok, but i guess i might as well just stick with storebought food. funny seeing him eat it though :lol:
So what is the conclusion of this thread?

Is it okay to feed birchirs tadpoles? or is it better to be safe than sorry?
Personally, i wouldn't, perhaps occasionally as a treat, but not regularily.

I've also heard tadpoles to be toxic. Sometimes bichirs will break out in a "rash" around their mouths from eating tadpoles, but, despite the "rash" they recover and are still fed them regularily in other countries.
I agree with you astroboy. I'm only gonna feed him tadpoles occasionally.

Are there any other (safe) live food to feed small bichirs?
Guppies you raise yourself are probably your best bet, or ghost shrimp.

live blood worm, live garden worms, as for live fish there is no reason for you to feed them to 'em. as they can survive on other foods. My senegalus eats frozen blood worm, prawns, cockles, sinking bottomfeeding pellets, amongst other stuff.
I'd be wary of feeding tadpoles to a fish...but mainly because so many amphibians are in decline that they may be protected.

Leave the tadpoles in the pond - there's enough things around to eat tadpoles wihtout adding your fish to the list!

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