Bichir feeding...


Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2005
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Hey! I've got a couple questions about feeding bichirs. I've got an ornatipinnis who's maybe four inches long. I've never actually SEEN him eating but I know he must be because he's plump and growing. I've got a lot of snails in my tank, and the five ghost shrimp I put in there for him are gone. I also feed frozen food (brine shrimp and daphnia this week).

Like I say, I've never seen him actually eat and certainly never "hunt". I have seen him sort of rooting around between the rocks, and since I feed sinking tropical crumbles I think he must be eating them. He shares the tank with (too many) other fish, and I want to make sure he is indeed getting his fair share of the food.

What do you/ would you feed a bichir this size? Would you feed him when you feed the rest of the fish or seperate (like before the lights go out)?

Thanks :)
I generally feed bichirs of that size a diet heavy in bloodworms and supplement it with occasional pieces of frozen beef heart, frozen shrimp, frozen silversides and (as quickly as possible) get them eating Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets. P. ornatipinnis, in many cases, is a relatively 'shy' and inactive bichir during the day but if it gets hungry enough it will usually come out to get its share of food.

Yeowzers! I think beefhart, frozen shrimp and silversides would be too huge for the bichir right now - I wonder, though, if he'd go for some guppies? I half think my gourami would go after them, though.

I'll have to hunt down those hikari pellets. I'm a fan of Omega One but the texture of their pellets really leave something to be desired, I think.
Yeowzers! I think beefhart, frozen shrimp and silversides would be too huge for the bichir right now
Noway, I feed my 3 incher pencil thin retropinnis baby those foods. You just have to cut to size.

Nice to see you fruitbat.
All the above suggestions on food just cut the food to fit the size of the fish but feed just before you turn out the lights none of my ornates will eat with the lights on-Anne
Bichirs can and will take foods that you'd think for to big for them.

Our 18 inch Ornate swallows six inch sprats whole, we feed him with snake tongs in fear of losing our fingers!
I wonder if my bichir would take guppies, then? I'm not sure I want to "get him started" on live food just yet, though as he's currently sharing the tank with smaller fish. Not that I would be heartbroken if he ate some - I just wouldn't want to *encourage* it.

I'm wondering how I can keep the OTHER fish away from the morsels intended for the bichir. Even after I turn out the lights the fish go for the frozen I put in. The bichir likes to hang out in this "hollow tree" feature in my tank - I wonder if I could somehow stick the food in there to have him eat in peace?

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