Bichir Eel

Well im sorry to say but thats not even a bichir :( so why theyre calling that a dinosaur eel i really dont know.
That is a dragon goby, scientific name Gobioides broussonetii. They are peaceful filter feeders that can be combined with even small fish. They grow to around 15" normally and need a sand substrate as they like to burrow and will sift it through their gills to find tiny particals of food. In a community tank they can be difficult to feed and many animals starve, they will need small live "pond" foods like daphnia (water fleas) and bloodworms which need to be placed close to the fish so they can find them easliy, dragon gobies have very poor eyesight and find their food with their good sence of smell.
Hey, thanks alot for the info here I'm looking for all kind of info on bichirs and not finding this guy. I typed Dragon Goby in in Google and got lots of matches right away. I don't think I am the first to have made this mistake about it looking at some of the posts from other people that have "Dinosaur Eels" from Petco too. I know at least 3 Petcos that carry this exact same fish and have it labeled that way. Looks like they may need to be educated! Anyway, while researching about bichirs I found that they were nocturnal, so while I was still thinking it was a bichir I turned off all the lights and only had enough ambient light as to see the fish. And I fed some brine shrimp. The Dragon Goby ate very well and is very active in the dark. But thank you for the info I really appreciate it!
Best place for general info is
Where is a good place in the UK to get Polypterids? I'm also after Reedfish (Erpetoichthys) if anyone has any advice...
For buying polypterids try WHARF AQUATICS or TRIMAR both of which carry a large selection of otherwise unseen fish. Ive not used wharf yet but have heard good things about them and on the 3 occasions i have used TRIMAR i have found them to be excellent.
Thanx for those sites CFC, however Trimars site is very confusing I couldnt get to thier stocking lists.....dunno could be me.... On the other side (of that big pond) Does anyone know similir places in the States??? I would really like to get another bichir and as much as I love my senegal he is just too plain to have 2 of....well thanks for the help

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