Bgk Fish


Jun 11, 2013
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So it seems the blood parrots were not the only fish on the tank... Also there was two BGK fish... Poor things... I defenetly dont have space for those. So the mayor said he could put a 150 gallon tank in the office. Would that be enough for both? I have never had this fish before and the pet store is even more cluless (they didnt even know if it was a fish or not) i read that its a 150 for one single of these fish. But they are about 1 1/2 inches at moment. The tank they would be put in has not finish cycling. Is there any fish they defenetly ahouldnt be with? Just so i wont put them in any dangerous tank at moment. Sorry i have been posting and probably shouldnt take in a fish i know very little on but well im trying to learn of it asap. Its that or them stay in store in a 5 gallon tank. Please help!! Any info on them will be good! I pretty much know they get big, and are very cute. And i read in diet stuff so im good with that one.
First off, very vague topic. Hard to understand. Bgk are tricky. IMO they should be in bigger than a 150 gallon.
Them and the blood parrots may fight so you should be wary. They shouldn't be kept with anything that they can eat. Otherwise they're peaceful.
Oo they were on a small tank all 4 together. Thats why the parrots have stunt growth. Hmmm.. Then ill have to see to different housing for the BGK fish. A teacher of mine has a 250 gallon with aome discus. If its a peaceful fish then may one can go there? If im wrong then please correct me.
I think the bgk would be ok with the discus so long as they are large. He may harass them at night when they sleep so be mindful of that.
I will talk with my friend tomorrow. And i will see to the housing of the other bgk fish. Better they be in good housing.
Do you know what else they have in their Discus tank? They'll eat whatever fits in their mouth. A few hiding spots would be appreciated as well.
The should be fine the with the discus, their not overly aggressive unless you fit in higher mouth or steal their territory.

Two BGK will fight unless you have about a 1000 gallon plus tank for them to have their own large territories, they both use electrical organs to hunt and communicate so they will constantly be corrupting each other's signals in a tiny tank and get or irritated with each other.

They grow to be about 12-16" in aquaria, and their mouths open up very wide, but aren't a threat to wide or tall fish, long skinny ones maybe, but mine doesn't even bother the bichirs, but he is the boss.

They are scaleless fish, and their shouldn't be any sharp objects in the tank, their prone to hurt themselves, also there should be at least 2 good hiding spots for them.

Usually when they get larger they will lay down at the bottom of the tank more often and this is completely normal.
The tank only has discus and it does have many hiding spots. I found another place for the second bgk and she fish will be by itself for now. Maybe lTer find some suitable tankmates.
sawickib said:
They grow to be about 12-16" in aquaria
 Given proper care in a suitably massive tank, they will reach close to 50cm (~20") in about two years, their growth rate is insane. Hidden somewhere on this forum, an old member documented the growth of their BGK around 2010, it outgrew his 6x2x2 within a couple of years.
I will be moving the fish on sunday cuz tomorrow is mother's day (mexican one)

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