

Fish Crazy
May 16, 2005
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ontario, canada
well my battle with blue green algae isnt over aperently! after ripping things out and cleaning it all off then blacking out the tank for 4 days i thought i had beat it. no signs once so ever. but now i just went to check on my fish after my weekly water change and i noticed some on my windelov java fern and on one of my anubias. iv hit the wall, i dont know what else to do. i don't get a nutrafin CO2 system till friday. and now it seems the only thing growing back is my amazon sword. which is rejuvinating nicely. any help would be greatly apreciated!
well my battle with blue green algae isnt over aperently! after ripping things out and cleaning it all off then blacking out the tank for 4 days i thought i had beat it. no signs once so ever. but now i just went to check on my fish after my weekly water change and i noticed some on my windelov java fern and on one of my anubias. iv hit the wall, i dont know what else to do. i don't get a nutrafin CO2 system till friday. and now it seems the only thing growing back is my amazon sword. which is rejuvinating nicely. any help would be greatly apreciated!
This may be step further than you want to go, but I got rid of mine with a series of daily 10% water changes, UV steriliser in line with the filter return, one day with the lights off. It seems that blue-green algae jumps-ship in the dark as it completely fragmented (probably hopes to settle somewhere with more light)...and was then carried through the UV. I've now dropped down to 3x8% water changes per week and it hasn't shown any sign of return, but given that I did several things at once it is hard to say exactly what sorted the problem out.

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