Betty My Boa


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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Heres my favourite Betty the boa had her for 18 months since she was a mere baby. Still got two years of growing in here yet, shes so docile and loves being handled





Thats one brave girl :lol: i wouldn't go anywhere near it :lol: lovely snake. looks well built aswell :hyper:
The stance your son (i assume) has taken is where i would be standing - behind the tank peering round at it! Lol. Stunning snake though, i've always been tempted by one, but i'd like something that only grows to about 2-4ft and isnt venemous and has the added bonus of not having a temptation to 'coil' its owner!

Maybe one day.....
he he yes Harrys not so keen unlike his sister, shes a beauty I couldnt recomend a Boa enough as they are so docile. Big snakes though and I think she will end up a big girl
The fact that thing 'could' constrict and kill a human when bigger puts me right off for now, give me a small snake though and i'll be happy as larry! Haha. Certainly a brave little girl, your brave enough yourself putting her in that position. I've been watching too much Discovery Channel ect to see too many horror stories for my liking!
my daughters good with the animals and cant do it unsupervised.

It'll have to stop once the snake gets bigger but for now I;m fine as I know I am stronger than the snake for now :) :good:
Constrictors aren't dangerous as long as you always have two people present and remember to always unwrap them from the tail end if your partner gets the snake around their neck; try from the head and they'll just tighten.
lovely snake, i'd just rather a bit of fur on my pets to stroke them :D A snake would be on my list of pets to own, but that list kinda got rewritten when i got married. :)
lovely snake, i'd just rather a bit of fur on my pets to stroke them :D A snake would be on my list of pets to own, but that list kinda got rewritten when i got married. :)

I got mine when I fell out with the wife and when I left her got two more, a gecko, ferrets and two more fish tanks :hey:
What a lovely common boa! I'm surprised you let her put it round her neck, she must be one very friendly boa. Mine was too feisty. As as you had her from a baby, did you handle her every day or so to get her so tame?
What a lovely common boa! I'm surprised you let her put it round her neck, she must be one very friendly boa. Mine was too feisty. As as you had her from a baby, did you handle her every day or so to get her so tame?

Shes gorgeous my fave snake by far. I am very fond of her and I leave the glass open and she comes out to me shes so docile its untrue.

I have no fears with my daughter putting her around her neck whilst shes still only small as I;m there and if she did try to wrap I;d have no problems getting her off. Obviously a different story when shes a cuople of foot bigger if she gets that big

I have handled her every day since she was a baby, I've slowed down a little with the handling now purely as I;m in the house less but had her out this morning and shes great having a good sniff around
lovely snake, i'd just rather a bit of fur on my pets to stroke them :D A snake would be on my list of pets to own, but that list kinda got rewritten when i got married. :)

I got mine when I fell out with the wife and when I left her got two more, a gecko, ferrets and two more fish tanks :hey:

lols, at least pets dont answer back :D

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