
Wrong forum. You might want to ask this in the betta forum.

But yes, they can survive like that. A betta is an anabantoid, which has a labyrinth organ and can take in surface air. Hence lack of filtration.

They don't need a heater, as long as your water stays at a decent temperature. I don't use heaters with my bettas, and they stay at about 78F. However, if your water is colder than say, 76F at room temperature, you'd want to invest in a heater.

Though bettas do best at roughly 78F to 82F in my experience.
i agree and you should have a 5 gallon tank to heat it properly and ammonia will be high in a few days if its a smaller tank.
Not necessarily. You can heat tanks from 1 gallon and up safely, there's a heater for this on Dr Fosters & Smith.

Ammonia can get to a dangerous level in a smaller tank, but that's why we have water changes. ;) My 1 gallons get a water change every 4-5 days. I'd do it more often, but I've tested the levels and ammonia doesn't even start to show until the 7th day.
My 2.5 filtered gets a water change every 1.5 weeks.
And my girls' 1/2 gallons are done every 2-3 days.
I had my betta for 4 years in aprox. 1/2 gallon bowl, with no heater or filtration. He seemed happy.
Same story here (my parents betta) but he was pretty miserable when I compare him to my bettas. He just kindof sat around in the bottom of the bowl doing nothing. Now I see why; his life royalled sucked. Now that I have them in large tanks with plants and gaves and things to do, as well as other fish to interact with through the glass (they're kept singly but next to each other), I see how active, inquisitive, and fun they are.
I kept my bettas (with the exeption of my female comunity) in 1g kritter keepers with no heat and filtration for a long time now... I think a filter for anything under 5 gallon is superfluous. What I can stand is people who leave their jars bare with no hidey holes or deco... I mean come on, you put your betta in a small container with no entertainment... thats like jail. So put some sutff in like a few strands of java fern or plastic plants and some river rocks and your all set.

Make sure your room NEVER goes below 70 F and use a flourescant lightbulb near your bowls too keep them warm.

Oh yeah, and full water changes weekly for anything with no filter!
My betta's bowl sits on the coffee table in our living room. There is lots of activity in there along with the tv going. He seems to love the action. :)
kissez_61 said:
i agree and you should have a 5 gallon tank to heat it properly and ammonia will be high in a few days if its a smaller tank.
None of my betta boys are in anything bigger than a 2.5G tank - I use Mini Hydor Heaters, and they work perfectly for raising the temp up to about 78 degrees.

I had a HORRIBLE experience with a 5G tank - and when you get tanks of that size, it seems like the filter blows them around more than they'd like.

Although it does depend on the fish, too.

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