

Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2003
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hi all
i went to a northampton fish place today and i went to see what bettas they had and what i saw i couldnt belive they had double tailed crowntail every single one was like this and i must ad in ALSOM condition fish
what i mean is they had the double tail with the crown tails long spikes
anyone ever seen theses befor?
Visit Michael Koh's Album at the BCS (Betta Club Singapore) website and click on "The Best of Both Worlds".

You'll find a few pictures of his double-tailed crowntails. They are truly awesome.
no i didnt buy any :sad: i already have a betta in my tank and he is a sexy man lol
well i do have another tank but its got 2 guppy fry in it at the moment and i dont know where i would put them i do have a breeding trap but i dunno if they would be okay in it what do you think?
my betta looks so plain compaired to that !

oh :( i just remembered from work yesterday that one of the fighters on sale died for no reason.. the whole batch didnt look too good ... i would of looked after him :-(
I third the good excuse! :lol:

What you can do is buy the betta and keep him in a temporary tank. That's what I did, I bought 3 bettas and put them in a little one liter jar, then a few days later (when I had time and money!) I got them 1.5g bowls. That way you have the one you want and you have a little time to scope out a bowl/tank :nod:
ok youve won im getting one this weekend lol and a few female ive manged to get
a 4ft tank yayness of my brother so i can buy alot of females and 2 males :D

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