Well their is nothing wrong with keeping a betta in 1/2g fish bowls and don't feel I should/have to remove it. Also you don't have to get sarcastic and say well if you'd done your research blah,blah,blah their is no carnivore flake food at my lps so...
I meant they can eat it but they won't live long because flakes don't have protein and whatever else carnvories like bettas need. I know this because one of my young bettas two years ago died because all he ate was flakes and had no meat in his diet.
I would suggest this food rather than flakes. It is specifically made for bettas and will be much less messy. You drop a pellet in and they eat it immediately. Nothing to sink to the bottom and decay. I feed mine 2 or 3 a day plus some bloodworms and other frozen food a couple times a week.ook well i hope hell be ok