
Male bettas can live with other fish but you have to be careful to avoid nippers. Some suggestions include:

Black neon tetras and other small tetras (I personally wouldn't recommend neons)
Cherry barbs
Gold barbs
Dwarf plecs
White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Rosy minnows

Avoid the following, who the betta might see as competition:

Red-tailed black sharks
Chinese Algae Eater
Cichlids (including angelfish)
Well, I'll guess we'll find out real soon...I'm going to supervise it...if they get along I'll tell you, if they don't get along I'll still tell you. :p :D :lol:
I have a male betta in my community tank and he lives with sailfin mollies. No problems from either of them - they live in harmony :D
can betaas live with other fish specifically the males.

Hey No way can they live with other males ;) They will kill each other. Seccondly I wouldn't reccomend mollies I've had some bad exp with mollies and bettas. For example I have a betta that is the most unagressive betta i've known and not good with mollies. ;)
Kossy said:
For example I have a betta that is the most unagressive betta i've known and not good with mollies. ;)
What was the problem, did the betta attack the mollies? Or the other way around?
well, bettas can live with platies. mollies and platies are like the same thing, so wouldn't bettas and mollies do good together if platies do?

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