bettas with cories


Mar 23, 2004
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anchorage, alaska
I was going to put my betta m+f in a divided 10 gallon and i was thinking about putting 2 or 3 cories with each. will the cories be ok without filtration or water movement, or should i put a little corner filter on each side?
I would definitely suggest at least a corner filter for each side. Cories are more sensitive to water quality than bettas, and probably wouldn't like "stale" and unmoving water very much. -_-
Or you can get a palm filter for each side of the tank.
Hi Itty Bitty Betta :)

I've seen that filter mentioned, but didn't know what it was. :cool:

Does it get attached to an air pump, or does it have its own motor like the big ones do? :dunno:

It has its own motor like the big ones do. It's a nanofilter that hangs over the back.

Here you see them hanging on the back of FreshMike's three 2.5 gallon betta tanks: (note that he set the tank short-side front instead of the normal long-side front)


Soon I'll post a pic of my bare and sucky 2.5g micro-nano dwarf tank (2 adult panda cories + 1 baby leopard cory + 1 oto)
And only $6 too! I hope I can get them in Canada.

*goes off to google "palm filters Canada* :lol:
If your lucky you can find whisper filters specifically for 2-5 gal tanks. They're great for betta's and are even smaller than the palm filters. Again, I reiterate; L-U-C-K-Y.
buggyboutbettas said:
If your lucky you can find whisper filters specifically for 2-5 gal tanks. They're great for betta's and are even smaller than the palm filters. Again, I reiterate; L-U-C-K-Y.
Are you talking about those Whisper Internal Micro-Filters?
The Whisper Micro-filter is larger than the Azoo palm (nano-)filter. And the cost of the palm filter is about 50% less than what the Micro-Filter costs.

About the size of the filters - below is a picture of a 7" x 7" x 7" aquavase (holds about 1 gallon). Attached to it is a light and the Azoo nano-filter. Note that it is a HOB filter and doesn't take up much space in that tank - only the siphon intrudes the tank space. Yet it is designed for up to 5 gallons. I also have a Whisper micro-filter and just tried to fit it in one of my aquavases. The micro-filter took up almost 1/4th of the aquavase. The Azoo nano-filter is less invasive so less space is wasted if the tank is small - especially those that are 5 gallons or less. And, to me, the nano does a better job.

Oh wow :eek: My bad. --------------------> (goes to google, yahoo, and every other search engine looking for "Azoo nano-filter")

sorry 'bout that.

ummm...this is kinda of topic but.....what kinda light is that in the pic? flo :wub:? inc :sick: ? what??????

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