Betta's with ACF


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2004
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I was looking to bring in a Betta to my 15gal setup, which is already occupied with 2 African Clawed Frogs and a shoal of neon tetras.

Is this compatible?
If they are ADF (african dwarf frogs) then I think it will be ok...not a lot of experience with neons and a betta...if they are ACF (african clawed frogs) then not at all. If they are ACFs I'm surprised you still have neons because it won't be long my friend.

Check the webbing on your frog's front legs, if there is webbing then they are ADFs, no webbing, ACFs.

HTH and Good Luck ;)
There definetly African Clawed Frogs. I've had them for 2 years and they have reached full maturity. They use to be housed with some Tiger Barbs. I've only had one neon death in the last 2 weeks of having them together.

ACF's are clumsy eaters so I presume this was accidental.
It probably was accidental in the way that we would view the word. ACFs have very poor vision and for survival they will attack anything that moves in front of there faces. So while he didn't know he was getting a fish for lunch, he knew what he was doing when he went for them.

ACFs really should be kept with just ACFs. It's what is best for your fish.

Also, your tank is pretty overstocked as it is. ACFs produce so much waste that they really need 10 gallons a piece. I would personally focus on either the frogs or the fish and rehome the other. If you want a betta (which I think everyone should have ;) you could always get him a one gallon where he will be happy on his own. :)
I was under the impression that up 2 15gal's 4 male ACF's can be kept. There is a lot of contradictory information on the net so its hard to find out what these creatures demand.

Would an African Clawed Frog actually attack a Betta though?
i have a friend that had an ACF and it cleaned out her whole tank and she had it in a 60-90 Gallon, not sure on the size exactly but its in that range

they get big, the 1 mentioned above was full grown and it was about the same size as a common pond bull frog, again the 1 mentioned above could have made a meal of a betta so if you got your mind set on them id suggest a big enough tank that you could put it and some fish bigger then it so it can t make a meal of them and the fish cant make a meal of the frog

theres a post on here not to long ago about someone seeing 1 in walmart munching on a clown loach
Sorrell said:
ACFs have very poor vision and for survival they will attack anything that moves in front of there faces.
Thats stands regardless of what fish is in there

Yes, I just quoted myself :p
Well both my ACF's I have had for over 2 years and they have both reached full maturity (havent grown in over 4 months). They have only ever attacked once.

I guess its a case of weighing up my experience of keeping fish & frogs against what "the book" says.
Sorrell said:
Yes, I just quoted myself :p
wow next thing you know your going to be referring to yourself in teh 3rd person :p

and the book as with experience has some truth, as with anything that theres a chance for conflict, its just a matter of time and time meaning weeks, months, years.
Well, I understand where you are coming from with your experience, and I am not claiming to be an expert, but I have had ACFs my entire life, having three right now and one is currently 20 years old...I'm going by experience as well.
I just want to say thankyou for the advice as I've been considering a betta for some time. Obviously you can minimise the chance of conflict. My setup is very heavily planted with driftwood so the chance of survival is maximised.

More then anything though, I do not want to bring a betta into the tank for it to live with the looming chance of being eaten.

Like I have stated though, the frogs (approx 5inches long) have lived happily with tiger barbs and neon tetras. Perhaps it is because of their continual feeding, or perhaps I have particularly docile specimens.

Eitherway, though there is never one true resolution I appreciate the advice. Although there is a slim threat of the betta being attacked, its something I will especially consider.

Has anyone any links/experience or further opinions with compatibility of these species?

It all helps
a final note, my experience with bettas leads me to understand they are extremely nosey fish so if you have the 2 together its just a matter of time before the betta goes to check out the frog then gulp hes gone :crazy: but maybe 1 of the betta experts *cough* sorrell *cough* will fill you in on bettas being nosey or not ;)
Although my ACF's mouth's are big, I find it really hard to picture them devouring a large Betta Specimen. I'll be next on their menu!
Tjimbsoj said:
...Obviously you can minimise the chance of conflict. My setup is very heavily planted with driftwood so the chance of survival is maximised....

... Although there is a slim threat of the betta being attacked, its something I will especially consider...
I'm sorry but this has been bothering me all night :/ I wouldn't keep a goldfish with a piranha and says "There's lots of hiding places so he's got a good shot! :) "

When we put fish/frogs into an aquarium environment we are responsible for their well-being and quality of life. It's not fair to the fish to be placed in a predator-prey situation. This question is posted in three places on the forum and you are getting the same advice from everyone, I'm sorry it's not what you want to hear.

Why not buy a 20 for your frogs and then continue the community in your 15 :thumbs:

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