Bettas Spawned! Again!

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2014
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Well, my bettas have spawned, yet again. it's been exactly a week since my last spawn, so I figured i'd try again ( I read that you can breed them 3-4 times a month) I did the exact same thing as last time, except in my 10 gallon this time! sure enough I came home from school and found that they were spawning! I was so amazed (I've really wanted to see this!) I removed the female after an hour and a half of spawning!! there look like there was about 200-300 eggs that he put into the nest! and the nest is giant! i'm hoping for the best. I realize that I should definitely not over breed, as well as the fact that I can't hold 8 million babies. so I've decided to let them recover until next month! I caught some pictures and thought you guys would be interested

Hopefully you'll be posting pictures as the babies develop! At what age or size will you have to seperate them from each other?
Have only ever had males so have no idea what happens.
they are tiny right now! I ended up getting a rescue betta from a friend ( I call it a rescue betta because it was taken such horrible care of) anyways, I had no where to put it. So I moved my babies at about 2 days old into my 29 gallon and moved the rescue fish (lucky) into the 5 gal. I also heard that if they are in a bigger tank they will grow faster, they seem pretty active, and aren't hiding in the rocks anymore. theres about 50-100. ill begin separating them at about 6-8 weeks. maybe sooner depending on how crowded the tank becomes. I have 2 LFS interested in being permanent buyers, meaning I will be doing this hopefully quite often, I will definitely begin posting pictures within the next week or so. I have really bad camera quality as you can tell, and they are extremely tiny!
Please try to avoid spawning bettas while you are away (eg at school). They could have just as easily killed each other while unsupervised. Good luck with the spawn :) What type did you breed?
For some reason, my bettas wont spawn right away... they have taken 24 hours both times. I put several plants , and a castle etc in there. My male isn't extremely aggressive, which makes it easier. I'm not quite sure what kind they would be, I just picked them up from the LFS. the one ive had for about a year and a half, the other about a month. ( male - 1.5 years, female- 1 month)
Congrats on the spawning and finding an lfs to take them! :)
Thank you! I'm so glad that it all finally is working out. I just hope most of the fry live!
Generally they won't spawn until the male has built a bubble nest big enough and impressive enough for the female's liking, and she needs to be egged up. If they're not ready you can end up with a dead or badly injured betta. If your male is placid that's great, but the females can be just as agressive. I'm only mentioning it, not to lecture you, but because you seem to genuinely love your fish and I'd hate to see something happen because you may not have been aware of its possibility. Good luck and I hope you have a succesful spawn :)
Thank you! the advice is helpful, I will try not to leave them unattended as best as I can. and youre right I do love my fish :)
What tail types have you got?

Looking forward to more updates.
I honestly have no idea what they are called.. I just purchased them from the LFS and didn't think to ask.. I wasn't intending on breeding them, I was going to try, but didn't think that I would be successful.
UPDATE: The betta fry have hatched! theres almost double of what their was from my last spawn. I would say theres at least 200! it incredible. I tried taking pictures of the fry from my first spawn, but they are still too small. so hopefully next week.

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