Betta's Looking Bad At Lfs.

Duston Aquatics is the one with Wendy Pets near sixfields...dont like that one. Went in a few months ago and they had fish waiting to be released in a bag and most of them were dead. They also seem to have fish stuck under the partitions between the tanks. Also...sorry if it is your mate...dont know what they are talking about if you ask them questions!

Much prefer wyevale ones.
thats friend has already applied for a job at wyevale...he wont admitt it, but i think he dosent like working there...when ever i buy a fish from there i make sure i look for the most colourful and active one...i brought a dwarf gourami pair...both died within 3 days of purchase! but i brought 1 male...hes fine...i chose him...i hate the way they keep their full grown plecs, they are kept in mighty small tanks....but i usually buy equipment from them....prices are good...gonna check GM, see if they have ant more sick bettas...i got a cory with one eye from them...poor maintainence on the fish.....
Dont you get down GM before me if you go Saturday...I know what you mean about the plecs...I have got a monster in my large tank he lives with a big bossy angel and a large upside down catfish. Angel is the boss but I would never get rid of them just because they are so big..they are such cowards they hide behind the rocks unless it is dinner time.

ps heaters at duston are the cheapest around. was that a white cory at GM?
OK Kevin I have been to GM they are in process of altering tanks round..they have 3 agressive female fighters...I think 1 male betta and he is in a very sorry state.looked as if he had got bad white spot and couldnt swim down..could be swim bladder (dont know if bettas get that)..anyway there was no one round to moan at....then went to Brunos got hardly any lot coming in Tuesday!
well im going to GM later today...if that damaged betta is gonna get dont deserve to be damaged...but the cory i got was brown.....
well im going to GM later today...if that damaged betta is gonna get dont deserve to be damaged...but the cory i got was brown.....

They should give it to you its in a bad way. There are some bristle nose catfish as well and they are so small I am sure they are too small to sell..I might have even got the name later if you go to GM
well im going to GM later today...if that damaged betta is gonna get dont deserve to be damaged...but the cory i got was brown.....

They should give it to you its in a bad way. There are some bristle nose catfish as well and they are so small I am sure they are too small to sell..I might have even got the name later if you go to GM

just been...i saw the baby plecs £3.25 0r 75 they are bristle nose also there was a lare plec dead floating at the top...the yellow gourami was biting it...the geezer at the shop said you dont want they said theyll move it to antoher tank...i saw a cool snowball plec in a top tank for £10 nxt week thats mine!

poor fighter...its fins were inflamed or somtin....also a angelfish had it....twits cant even take care of fish...and they sell the medicine to cure it!
Kevin I have just been down with son he wanted some bits. There were quite a few student looking types in there I bet you were one of them I wanted to say is there a Kevin here but chickened out.

That poor betta was in a sorry state..too far gone I think...I might go down one day next week and have a moan at them. Those baby bristle noses were in the tank next to betta I think they were getting though the gap at the back.

You would have thought they would take the dead one out it was being eaten when I was in there. I keep thinking of that betta that is going to get eaten soon. It couldnt swim down in the tank! For two pins I would go and get it but I think it would be dead by tomorrow.
i saw you!!!! you tapped on the tank with the betta??!!!?? i was with my dad there for ages!!! did you hear me say 'poor betta' i knocked your son by accident....i saw you!

you were next to the tank for told your son about the betta....l
I wondered if that was you!.....because you were looking at the fish so carefully!...I now need another betta..not really...but I might try to trick hubby into going to a garden centre tomorrow...
I wondered if that was you!.....because you were looking at the fish so carefully!...I now need another betta..not really...but I might try to trick hubby into going to a garden centre tomorrow...

...i brought the red one from there....last week...he was bad but now is fully coloured...and gonna set up my old tank and divide it into 5 i can keep sick bettas....

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