Bettas In Cups In Stores


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, just want to know which of these categorys you fall in to:

1. I hate the cups, all bettas for sale should be kept in a decent sized tank.

2. I hate the cups, but they are alright for selling bettas in as long as people are told that they need a bigger tank.

3. I love the cups, in fact all my bettas are kept in them! (don't expect that answer to crop up)
2. I hate the cups, but they are alright for selling bettas in as long as people are told that they need a bigger tank.
I have to go with this one because it can be tough for some stores to keep about 20-30 male bettas in larger tanks. The females I think sould be in a larger tank though. Also if it is a really big fish store then I will have to go with the 1st awnser, but for average fish stores I think the cups are terrible but ok for males. Females I will always say should be in a larger tank though.

Commander Cool what your saying is that you think its ok that they mistreat 20-30 males! I doubt they ever clean out those cups. Instead of mistreating 20-30 males, why don't they sell 5-10 males in good sized tanks?
#2, although add that the cups should be kept *clean*. :nod:

#1 would be my first choice really... of course it's what's ideal, but it's not very realistic.

Commander Cool what your saying is that you think its ok that they mistreat 20-30 males! I doubt they ever clean out those cups. Instead of mistreating 20-30 males, why don't they sell 5-10 males in good sized tanks?
No, I'm not saying it is ok mistreat 20-30 males. I'm saying since the stores sell 20-30 at a time it would be very hard to put 20-30 1 gallon tanks up. If they say that the cups are only temp., the conditions at the time are not good but the bettas are there only for a few days before someone buys them and most likely puts them in a larger tank. And I never mistreat fish, both of my bettas are in 2-2.5 gallon tanks and I do water changes every 2 days.
#2, but only if the cups are bigger, like the ones wal mart has started using. A few months ago I was in a petsmart that had their bettas in little 1/4 gallon tanks lined against the wall above the fish tanks. They were much better than the cups, and you had to ask for assistance to get a betta. It's still not what would be ideal (1g tanks for every betta in the store! :p) but they were clean and looked much better than tiny cups.
Where I work, the Bettas are kept in sizeable cups and cleaned a minimum of twice a week (more when the fish lady has time...or when I do). Mortality rate is lower than most people think. The cups are by no means ideal, but the Bettas are rarely there for more than a week.
I don`t think bettas should be left in any unfilterd water, they should be kept in a proper sized tank with heater and filter
#1 really, but i think #2 is more practical and is ONLY ok if its a responsible lfs :/ . My lfs keeps them in tiny little sealed bags with no room to move :no: ! They only keep them like that for a day untill they sell some so they have enough tanks to put them in though, which is good :nod: .
I would go for1; the bettas in cups get ammonia burns on their gills I believe. It’s simply cruel to keep them in those cups. The lfs I use have small tanks about eight/nine inch cubes that are filtered and heated, its not great but the fish can swim a little get fed and don’t suffer from ammonia poisioning. Personally I wouldn’t buy anything in a shop that uses cups for bettas.
Bettas have been shipped in cups for YEAR and YEARS. It has been proven effective and cheap too. Yes it may not look pretty but it works fine. I doubt you would want to by a 100 dollar betta because of the size, weights, extra weight charges in the mail, importing fees, and the container it self. Economics is a funny buisiness. Not everything can be super hippy PETA. Its all about business and money and your demand for the bettas themselves.
They're rarely clean.. it would be more beneficial to keep them in divided tanks with filters, and sell them for more money.. I don't think many people would be against paying a few more dollars for a fish that is 10x as healthy as one that's been stuck in a dirty cup.

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