Bettas I Sold On Ebay - Advice Again


Motorbike Riding Tattooed fish freak
Feb 6, 2008
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Ok i got a childish email from the guy so heres my response, plz tell me what u thinl b4 i send it


Look ok here it is in black and white so you understand what it is that I am saying.

After the auction was won, I sent out invoices to yourself and another chap, for payment, at this point I was supposed to have a half day this week to send the fish for you.

I clearly stated in my advert that posting dates must be agreed by BOTH sides, to come to an ammicable agreement so that the fish arrive safe and that there is some1 there for when they arrive.

Ok well your partner, a lady, emailed me after the auction and TOLD me to send them monday, and up till tuesday hasnt checked ebay for messages from myself to confirm this was feesable for me to do, she just assumed.

Now my 1st priority is the welfare of the fish, Im not just going to send them without double checking with yourselves that the date is 100% ok, because one slight mistake, and you will end up with dead fish.

I then get an email asking where the fish are, if she had bothered to read the messages I sent to her on ebay, which I have copies of, I did tell her that sending monday was not feesable for me, and that we would need to agree another day, to which I had no reply.

You can say I didnt email you, fine ok im not going to make a fuss of it, however my copies tell me otherwise, I made numerous attemps to contact you with regards to this matter, and the 1st reply I have had was from you yesterday dated 16th July 2008.

Ive asked several times how you would like me to proceed, would you like me to hold onto the 2 fish, or refund you your money, and I clearly stressed I was more than happy to do this. However I dont take kindly to you telling me to stop sending you "queer" emails, and that you "dont need the hassle". All I have been trying to do is resolve this situation as best I can, but because of the attitude you have just displayed in your previous email, I have decided to refund your money in full, I take the welfare of these fish seriously and I wont be sending them to someone who has a "cant be bothered" attitude.

Id appreciate it if you would not leave me any feedback, and I shall do the same for you.


fair and to the point.
Problem with ebay now is you can't leave buyers neg feedback >.<
so if he leaves u it then ya gotta go against it through ebay.

But the email is fair and explains why you made ur choice.

Look perfect to me!
thanks guys, ive sent his refund, so yeah all done, i cant beleive how snotty the email was lol
i really do agree with your issue on the fish must come first but the buyer (well now the non buyer) has the right to leave neg feedback b/c you've broken the contract regardless of the nature of why you did this and this is how ebay will see it regardless of how we all see it, trust me ive been there before :look: :blush: as ebay dont listen to the agruement of the LIVE FISH deliveries, they expect us to state an appropiate posting service but are never there to back us up on it if needed so this is what will give the buyer the right to give the neg, if they do!

I got told off the other day for selling fish over the "STATE LINES" without a lPD? something license (an american license i believe), now that just shows you a thing or too about them :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
oh #### ebay sucks daz!! lol i just wasnt gonna send out live fish without a confirmed date, something the buyer clearly hasnt thought about, well if they do leave bad feedback, fine lol i will try and appeal, i think lol
now im getting abuse from this dude, telling me hes gonna get me in trouble with ebay, bare in mind he told me to refund him or send the fish he didnt care which one, oh and also apparantly im on something too, and my email the_poison_ivy suits me very well

nice to know this old man is very grown up for his age, considering I havent been rude to him
now im getting abuse from this dude, telling me hes gonna get me in trouble with ebay, bare in mind he told me to refund him or send the fish he didnt care which one, oh and also apparantly im on something too, and my email the_poison_ivy suits me very well

nice to know this old man is very grown up for his age, considering I havent been rude to him
sometimes it's best just to prompt people on there for payment and info on delivery dates, sometimes also sending a long winded message sounds like you are either nagging them or telling them off like they are naughty school children and i suppose he is very angry b/c i would be too. i would just take what will be coming as he really does have the right to report a non delivery of item.
oh you are quite right, i have waited a week to ensure that both sides are happy and i was the buyer,so sod him, he would complain if the fish was DOA and you would be left feeling bad on both counts, so good on you,your a good seller,with a good attitude
well daz i have had to send long emails bcoz he hasnt listened to a word ive said

he told me to refund or send them, he didnt care which one

so i refunded him, im just pretty annoyed that hes being such a twat tbh

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