Betta's Heater ?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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One of my bettas heater is making a funny buzzy noise...I dont want the betta cooked! Do you think it is on its way out?
That definitely sounds a bit fishy [pardon the pun :p ] Is it a glass heater? Is it old? I'd be inclined not to use it just in case. Can you get a new one fairly easily or do you have a spare?
it does not really need a heater. :ninja:
People often say bettas don't need heaters but this is a bit of a false rumour as it makes the betta alot healthier and active- also can increase their life span.
Bettas are tropical fish- therefore require that climate. :hyper:
James :good:
Do they keep the palace (or should that be The Palace) that warm? Unless you live in the tropics or keep your room heated to about 80F degrees all the time, you'll need a tank heater for the bettas. If you've got small tanks, this could become a problem--but there are now a few heaters for small tanks out that will only raise the temp a handful of degrees (if you keep your rooms fairly cool, these small heaters won't be sufficient).

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