Bettas from Walmart?!

I love my walmarts. One of them has a tank for females and the males are kept in those cups, but these ones are like 1/2 a gallon. Thats bigger than the bowls at the pro. lfs. They change them all the time and barley have dead ones. They alos remove the sick ones and ones with bad fins etc. and treat them for their problems. The ones I got there are great. The other one is usally out of bettas because they go so fast in that area. But once they did have four left and they were good. This one though does have some dead fish. But thats only on Sundays when they dont have people working there. The other one though has a hospital tank for other fish and treats them very well. Feed them and change the water. Walmart is one of the best places to buy fish. they also have a larger variety then most places. Actually all places that sell fish around me are very good, except for the place in the mall, but when I went there last time it wasa good and had a lot of diffrent and big fish.
half a gallon is the size of a bottle of juice you buy at the store-64 ounces. unless your walmart has gone crazy and actually done something good for the fish, i bet they are azctually using the 16 ounce cups that most walmarts use. (a normal betta cup in a lfs is 6 ounces)
wrs-is there any way you could take pictures next time you go in? i would like to have a good example to present to my walmart of how they should be doing things. what is the address of your walmart?

sadly though i think your walmart is the exception. most walmarts have sick fish marinating in ammonia-laden and cloudy water, most of them being dead.
i cant take good fish pics. They do keep them in those cup things, but mine filled up my one gallon tank, the both of them. I mean unless im thinking of the wrong place, but i got them and the tank on the same day. One of them has them in small ones, but the other doesnt. The waters never cloudy at all. I have no idea of the adress. They do pill them up on eachother only when theres not alot of space, but usually there is space because they have a bunch of shelves, like 12 maybe that they keep them on. I think out of all the times ive been there theres was like one dead fish and maybe two dead bettas that i could think of. The staff is alos semi smart about fish. But they woulndt sell my dad a cory oncebecause they thought it woulkd get to be to big and eat the other fish in the tank. Then they sold my brother a cichlid. But apart from that theyre good. They alos have a lady that works in there.
this is about 1/2 gallon.

that sounds like a completely differnet walmart. are you sure you werent dreaming? take pics of the whole fish section next time you are in there.
We don't usually go in Walmart b/c my mom and dad hate the store, but the ONE time we went I couldn't help but to look at the bettas. The bettas looked VERY healthy! Better than at the fish stores! I was very impressed! They even put that blue medicine in the cups (sorry IDK what that's called). I thought for sure I would walk in the fish section and see 100 male bettas in a 10-gallon tank.
I am not for Walmart fish but some interesting news for you all WalMart Home Office has sent notice down ALLLLL FISH are garunteed now for 90 days!!!!!!! no water check nothing no questions asked...... I dunno about you but that is the best fish gaurantee I have ever seen
Yeah... I saw Wal marts bettas too they were all in these little teeny bags about 4 in high half filled with water...some others were very diseased in little cups .... same at Petco
all WalMart Home Office has sent notice down ALLLLL FISH are garunteed now for 90 days!!!!!!! no water check nothing no questions asked...... I dunno about you but that is the best fish gaurantee I have ever seen

I'll let everyone know when the change takes place. Right now they are gauranteed for 72 hours.
mine already has a 90 day guarentee of fish.

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