Bettas From Walmart

For fin rot all you need is clean warm water so making sure the tank is warm and the water is clean should fix the fin rot with a little time.
i told you i am sorry for the platies. thanks for the advice on fin rot.  i didnt know about the platies and i wish it weren't this way but i dont have a bigger aquarium, so i'l just have to keep it that way for now
Rikki, you best take those platies back. Not only will they not have enough room to swim (they will get to be 2" long) they're also live bearers. That means they will give birth to babies, not lay eggs, and you will run out of room quickly, unless the Betta hunts them all down and eats them! :(
I have started saving for a bigger tank for the platies. I tried but walmart wont take back live fish
Sometimes people at Walmart give the wrong information. It may be worth checking on your receipt or let your parents call them to find out what their return policy is. 
Another option would be trying to sell them, but with the help of your parents. Also, you could check if there is a local aquatic club, maybe on facebook? You could sell or trade them! Just be sure to never meet anybody alone! You could also arrange meetings in a public place to be safe!
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately i live in a town with 500 people and no aquatic club or anything, thats why i joined this. And also why im limited to walmart. We called walmart already and they do say no returns so i am gettin a different tank.
Good. How big should it be to be ok for the four plaites?
Ok. I hope they're not too expensive. How long do i have before i need this?
id say ASAP which is always the mentality when having a fish in a unsuitable tanksize, nothing to procrastinate.
Yeah, ill get right on it. My mom has some yard work for me anyways.
I agree, a 20 gallon would be awesome for them. Still, you have to keep in mind that your platies are going to reproduce very quickly if you have a mix of males and females. You will need to plan what to do with all those babies!
Yeah. I am worried because thats where I'm screwed, Walmart didn't say the genders. How do i tell or what should i do?

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