Bettas from overseas breeders


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
Warm and Sunny Arizona
have fallen in love with a plakat on aquabid. the fish is from overseas, but the seller is not charging for the overseas shipping, only the cost from the transhipper. i want to bid, but first i wanted to get some feedback from you all.

what has been your experiences regarding what transhippers here in the US charge?? they don't list that charge in the auction details. i have sent them an email, but we shall see.
I've never bought thru transhipper like that but from what I've seen its expensive. (Expensive being 30 dollars or more I've seen lots of different shippers charge very different amounts.)
In Arizona you are pretty lucky because you are close to both of them. Linda is is Westminster CO, and Nancy is in Calafornia, can't think of the city right now, but I have boxes from her if you are wondering. The seller will ship to one or the other and they will contact you with shipping options. You can go Fed-ex, UPS, or USPS, and then overnight or priorty within the different shippers. The price also includes a box fee, heatpack/icepack fee, and then a handling fee. The transhipper's feed live food while they have your fish and will change their bags with R/O water.

I have paid between 20-35 dollars a transaction with both of them. This may be my disease talking, but I personally try to buy a few at once because of the cost. It's not much of a difference shipping wise whether you get 1 betta or 5 :shifty:

edit~spelling :*)
Yeah... the shipping cost (IMO) are expensive with the transhipper but if your buying in bulk like that then I think its better.
thanks you guys. the seller actually had two i was interested in, and no one was bidding so they were going for a good price. linda was the one i received and email from this morning, guess i'll just send her my zip code and see what she says. maybe living a bit closer will cut the cost a bit, who knows.
i hate transhippers, i understand why there needs to be transhippers but they can charge alot. my 10 dollar fish ended up becomeing 40 dollars ( not that he wasn't worth it ) i dont like em but if u want great fish its just the price gotta pay -_-

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