Oh right here we go.
Tank: Juwel Rekord 70 (70liter tank) Internal Jwel filter, with a few course and fine sponges, a Cirax media layer is in it aswell.
Fish present: 1 Betta (the sick one), 3 Mollies (Red/Orange ones), 1 Panda Cory (only one in the shop so thought I would take it and get anohter few when more come in)
Water stats: Ph-7.6, Am-0, Ni-0, Na-20. Temp is 26oC
Java moss and another Plant (unknown) in the tank.
The mollies and Cory were added over a week ago aswell as the unknown plant. Everything has 'seemed' very good, everyone has been setteled, minimal aggression shown if any at all.
Will add photos of the plant and other fish in a mo.
Did a 50% water change last night, will do another tomorrow.
Also the betta seems to be swimming at the top all the time, and yes he does spit his food out and them eat it again. No rubbing other than hte usual swimming along the side of the tank, eating is alright I think not as much as usual tho. Not hiding either.