Bettas Cave for Small Jars


Moved On
Jan 17, 2005
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I know there are many betta lovers out there who want a small cave for their betta but can't build one out of rocks because the jar/container is too small. Well alot of people know this already but for those who don't know, this DIY is not a DIY. Go to your hardware store and buy a PVC pipe of ANY shape (except for L) you want (I have a T shape). Make sure your betta can go through easily and not get stuck. Mine is a 1 inch 1/4 wide (just in case) for my male betta. Here's pic

just a sugestion... ABS dosnt break down overtime like PVC... it may be a better choice for an aquarium....
NickT said:
just a sugestion... ABS dosnt break down overtime like PVC... it may be a better choice for an aquarium....
PVC does not break down. It is the same pipe that is probably in your house supplying your water. It would make no sense to install plumbing that breaks down and has to be entirely replaced.

ABS is the pipe used in your waste and sewer drains.
very nice danny is it possible to partil bury the pipe to kinda hide it?? or would there be no flow of water through it ?

Awesome name Dan ;)

Yes, burying it is actually a great addition to the tank. Many fish, mostly bottom dwellers, will hide in there, I have one 7 inch long piece in my 100g and there are always atleast 2 Khulis in there :thumbs:

The stuff I had in the 29gtall, in the pictures above, it is just a bunch of different shaped pieces, and it only costed 15.00$ Canadian for the whole lot. That's a lot cooler, and a lot cheaper than one of those 80$ tank ornaments! :thumbs:
yeah and if i wanted to make it low profile just get some aquariam silicon and flue some gravel or pebbles to it , any way DIY is much more fun then splashing out cash :)
ive only being a member on this forum a day and its awsome so much info my heads gona explode i allready bought some coldcathode lites from moon lites and now im gonna make me some caves lol cant wait for all this DIY *yeyyy* :)

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