Bettas & Candles?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2005
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does anybody know of those floating candles that you put in water? well i was wondering if it was safe to put a betta fish in along with them, cause since wax and water dont mix, (or at all) i am hypothesising that it wouldnt change the water... or would it?
I've seen those in the pet stores but the dont light them up...Maybe because that the wax used in some candles may contain harmful chemicals...So I wouldnt recommend you doing that...Maybe just use an unlit candle that would look nice 2... :)
No you shouldn'tdo it at all because the heat that comes off the candles will kill the betta. Why would you want a floating candle in your bettas tank anyway?
its not a betta tank, i dont even have the betta yet actually, i mean one of theose big candle bowls, that have round floating candles in them. i just thought it would be cool to have a betta to match the colors of the candles. also, how would the heat get to the water? heat rises dosent it?
No those bowls that have a floating candle in it aren't big enough for a betta and the heat from the candle will go down and kill the betta so please don't do it because it will kill the betta. Why would you want to put a betta in such a thing? For a wedding center piece or something?
:no: Bettas aren't decorations. They're living, breathing, feeling animals. The wax would almost certaintly drip from the candles and into the water, killing the Betta.

What would look cooler, is getting a nice big tank, like a Minibow 5 gallon, and decking it out with a bunch of pretty live aquatic plants, rocks, caves, marbles, and anything else that's aquarium-safe! :nod: And maybe adding an African Dwarf Frog.
Heat does rise, primarily, but hold your finger under a lit match and you'll soon realise that it doesn't all rise above the flame :p. It dissipates out in all directions before rising slowly.
As has been mentioned, the wax could contain chemicals which could harm the fish, and a LIT candle would certainly harm it, as hot melted wax would rapidly heat the water to beyond comfortable levels even if it didn't come into direct contact with the fish. If you've got your mind set on doing this, I think it would be *ok* to float non-scented candles in the water so long as you never EVER light them and the container is at least 1 gallon in size.
Standard issue wax candles have so many toxins in them, I won't even light them in my own presence, let al one my fishes. If you want to float candles in your tank, seriously consider beeswax or soy based candles, and also lighting them would definately be ill advised.

I would say that the heat would be the least of your concerns, as MOST floating candles contain ugly junk that are bad for people and lethal to fish.

Some random link I found using google:

Paraffin is a petroleum product - a byproduct of oil refining. Most fragrance oils used for candle making are petroleum-based synthetics. The soot from these materials can contain carcinogens, neurotoxins, and reproductive toxins. Testing and air chamber analysis by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found the following compounds, in significant quantity, in a random group of over 30 candles tested: acetone, benzene, trichloroflouromethane, carbon disulfide, butanone, trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride butanone, trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, carbon black (soot) particulate matter, trichloroethene, tetrachloroethene, tolulene, chlorobenzene, ethylbenzene, styrene, xylene, phenol, cresol, cyclopentene, and lead. Obviously, you would have to be a chemist to truly know what most of these chemicals are, but according to the EPA, they pose a health hazard with continued exposure over time.

hey! i made a slightly intelligent sounding comment! w00t, or something.

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